Ben Weaver's Interviews: In Order To Be Clear Water Must Run

listen to these 3 original podcasts by Ben Weaver.

Ben Weaver

Ben Weaver

Water protector, cycling troubadour Ben Weaver and Alexandra Maxwell, director of Save the Wild UP discuss the idea of connection in their work, communities and friendship based around water advocacy.

Alexandra Maxwell

Alexandra Maxwell

Water protector, cycling troubadour Ben Weaver and Great Lakes Commons Outreach Coordinator Paul Baines discuss power. Often we are told that power resides outside of ourselves, most commonly in the hands of those we elect. What about the power of blizzards, river eddies, or the beating of our own hearts? What can we learn from this kind of power to inform our work with water?

Check out a related post by Paul and Ben on this topic.

Paul Baines

Paul Baines

Water protector and cycling troubadour Ben Weaver visits with Thunder Bay resident and artist Betty Carpick to reflect on the using art as a tool to create and inspire change within communities surrounded by water.

Betty Carpick

Betty Carpick

If you want to be a podcast contributor, please get in touch.